Computing Science for Mathematicians and Physicists
Educational institute: The Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS)
Automatic approval for: students of Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy
EC: 18 - 24 EC
Last page update: July 8th 2022
Please note: the minor programme Computing Science for Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy has been updated, (partly) due to changes in the Bachelor programme for Computing Sciences.
Additional information
Students of Mathematics or Physics and Astronomy that are interested in Computing Science can follow the basic courses of this minor. By doing so, you will already comply with the requirements of completing a minor.
If your interest in Computing Science goes further than that, you can do additional courses, for example in security, programming or data science. Suggestions are included in the Free choice component listed below.
If you are a student of Mathematics, and you opt for a specialised Computing Science minor in addition to the basic minor, you are eligible for admission to the Master’s programme Computing Science.
The minor Computing Science consists of:
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