Financial Aid
If eligible, students can receive various kinds of financial aid:
1. Emergency Fund
The emergency fund helps students who are enrolled at the Radboud University, and find themselves in a financial emergency situation, by means of an interest-free loan. This is on an incidental basis, meaning that the Emergency Fund does not provide help with permanent problems concerning financing your study programme. The maximum loan is € 700,-. In exceptional cases, loans are distributed to students for payment of the tuition fee. To request such a loan, you need to contact your student advisor and have them register you. Then, you ought to contact the Central Student Desk in order to make an appointment with one of the student deans.
2. Financial aid for study delay due to exceptional circumstances
If exceptional circumstances are likely to cause a delay in your study programme, you may be eligible for financial aid, provided that you meet certain requirements. Exceptional circumstances include serious illnesses, family circumstances, functional limitations, practicing top-class sport, or being top talented in the arts.
For more information about requesting financial aid, check this website or contact the Central Student Desk.
3. Financial aid for study delay due to activities as a board member
Students at Radboud University who participate as board members in student organizations such as the Faculty Student Council, the curriculum committee, and student- or studies associations, can also request some financial support from the Graduation Fund as a compensation for the delay in their study programme as a result of their activities as a board member. Depending on the sum of the so-called "bestuursbeurzen" (board member funds) you are entitled to, you will receive your compensation monthly, in two terms, or all at once in August.