Specializations Chemistry of life and Medicinal chemistry
Quarter 1
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (1st part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL150 Data: Programming and Statistics (1st part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL100 Spectroscopy of Biomolecules (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL127 Biochemistry (1st part) (3 EC)
Quarter 2
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (2nd part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL150 Data: Programming and Statistics (2nd part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL127 Biochemistry (2nd part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL172 Inorganic Chemistry in Biological Systems (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL032 Crystal Structure (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL152 Data: Structural Bioinformatics (3 EC) (preferred choice for Chemistry of Life)
Quarter 3
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (3rd part) (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL165 Biochemistry 2 (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL054 Toxicology (6 EC)
- NWI-MOL065 Chemometrics (6 EC)
Quarter 4
- NWI-FFIL100 Philosophy 1 (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL163 Synthesis Lab 2 (6 EC)
- NWI-MOL157 Physical Organic Chemistry (3 EC) + elective (3 EC)
- NWI-BB017C Advanced Molecular Biology (6 EC)