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Study association

Study association G.A.G. (English language and culture)

G.A.G. (Great Anglo-Saxon Gobblers) is the study association of English Language & Culture at Radboud University in Nijmegen. By organising a variety of activities the association promotes contact between the staff, the students, and among the students themselves. The association has, for example, organised study trips to London, Ireland and Scotland, game nights, parties, film nights and drinks. ​G.A.G. also has its own theatre group, The Understudies. Every year they perform a self-written Comedy Sketch Night and a big play at the end of the year. Furthermore, G.A.G. publishes the GAG_MAG, which includes everything that is interesting for students of English. G.A.G. has its own room on the twelfth floor of the Erasmus building, where twice a week all the members come together for some coffee, tea and biscuits. If you would like to learn more about G.A.G., become a member or be active, you can go to www.gagnijmegen.com or send an email to gag@student.ru.nl.

Studievereniging USA (American Studies)

The American Studies program has had its own study association since 1989, but in 2003 it relaunched under a new name: USA Nijmegen. With a board that changes annually and a big part of the studies being an active member, this association is committed to bringing together American Studies students.

USA Nijmegen has a plethora of different committees such as the Activity Committee, the Academic Committee, a Study Committee, a Party Committee, and it even has its own magazine, The Issue. The Issue gets published four times a year and is fully written by and for American Studies students. Students are encouraged to join a committee and are able to organize events as a committee member. By having a variety of different committees, USA Nijmegen organizes events for everyone. From our famous Halloween Party to pub lectures, we make sure to find a balance between formal and informal events. We also regularly organize American themed events such as a Thanksgiving Dinner with teachers, the American College Party, and the annual Superbowl night.

The association also has close ties to the study association for English Language & Culture (T.E.A.). We host multiple activities together each year, and we also organize the orientation week together. During this week students become familiar with their new classmates, the university, Nijmegen, and student life. Apart from TEA, USA Nijmegen also occasionally collabs with other study associations!

Announcements, updates, and more information about USA Nijmegen can be found on the website (usanijmegen.nl). You can also find us on Instagram (@usanijmegen). Any questions can be sent to us by email, to usanijmegen@gmail.com.