Study association
The Linguistics programme has a very successful study association called InTenS (In Taal en Spraak- in language and speech). Linguistics students are very actively involved in this association. The study association organizes various activities such as a monthly night for drinks, annual pool tournament, gala, study trip, parents' day, lectures, the Linguistics orientation, and much more.
InTenS also provides discounts on textbooks for members, and publishes the magazine m'ntaal. Of course, InTenS also has various committees you can become an active member of to contribute to the association. These include the activities committee, the publication committee, and the travel committee.
InTenS is an important bridge in the contact between younger and older students, student and teacher members, Linguistics students and students of other programmes in Nijmegen, and between students and former students (alumni) who have found their way to the labour market.
With around 120 student members InTenS is an association where everyone knows each other. As a result, the contact with the board of InTenS has a very personal touch. Questions and comments can be sent to You can find all kinds of information about studying, activities, jobs and so on at
InTenS also has its own room, number 12.10, in the Erasmus building and a mailbox on the 8th floor.