Specialisation in Conflicts, Territories and Identities
The Master's specialisation in Conflicts, Territories and Identities is a joint initiative of the Centre for International Conflict - Analysis & Management (CICAM) and the Human Geography Master’s-Programme, and centres around national and international conflicts, war and terrorism. In this specialisation you come to understand the backgrounds and causes of conflicts, the related mental and physical borders, and the strategies and challenges that organisations intervening in these conflicts must deal with. Nowadays, conflicts, in most cases are not conflicts between nation states, but have their origin at a sub-national level, related to natural resources like water or oil, ethnic, religious, political or economic differences. In some cases these local conflicts also become an international dimension, also if conflicts generate large cross border streams of der migrants and refugees. But what is clear, that in all cases, there is a clear cultural-, economic-, or political-geographic dimension to conflicts and one cannot resolve conflicts and built post-conflict peace if the geography of the conflicts is not well understood. Currently also the internationally renowned Radboud Excellence Initiative Professor Derek Gregory is associated with this Master’s Specialisation.
Some suggestions for Elective courses (but others are possible)
You are free to choose courses provided that these add up to at least 6 EC and are taught at a Master’s level. The choice of courses should relate to your own interests and needs (notably for your Master Thesis Research) but also logically relate to the other courses taught in this specialisation.
You can choose courses from one of the other Human Geography Master Specialisations or select these from related Master’s programmes elsewhere. Examples are:
- Borders in a Postcolonial World (Geography)
- Geographies of Care: Spaces, subjectivities and solidarity (Geography)
- Conflict, Aid & Development (CICAM)
- Protection of Human Rights in International Law (International and European Law)
- European and Comparative Refugee Law (International and European Law)
- Inequality and Development (Economics)
- Just War Theory (Political Science)
- International Security (Political Science)
- Theories of Comparative Politics: Structure, Identity and Choice (Political science)
- Or explore other options yourself.