Specialisation in European Spatial and Environmental Planning
The Master's specialisation in European Spatial and Environmental Planning trains you to become a spatial planner who can engage with EU policies, cooperate with planners across borders and coordinate with other sectors like environment and economic development.
Master’s Thesis
The Master's thesis is a crucial part of your curriculum and consists of an individual research project in which you investigate a topic of your choice related to your specialisation. You should start thinking about a suitable topic for your thesis very early in the programme; we will help you make a thesis proposal in the course Advanced Research Methods. The goals of the Master's thesis are to mobilise and integrate the theoretical and empirical knowledge and methods from the preceding courses for use in your own research project.
Elective courses
You can choose electives from all Master’s courses offered by the department of Geography, Planning and Environment. Other Master’s courses are possible, but must be approved by the Examination Board.
Some suggestions for Elective courses (but others are possible)
You are free to choose courses that add up to at least 6 EC and meet your interests and needs (for your Master Thesis Research) as long as they, in some way, can be linked to this specialisation and are taught at Master’s level. You can also choose courses from one of the other Spatial Planning Master Specialisations or from other related Master’s programmes, for example:
MAN-MPL033 Urban Future Lab - Creative Approaches towards Vision and Strategy Building for Regional Transformation (Spatial Planning)
MAN-MPL036 Cities, Water and Climate Change (Spatial Planning)
NWI-MM022 Water Governance and Spatial Planning (3 EC) (Transnational eco-system based Water Management)
NWI-MM018A Environmental Economics for Water Management (3 EC) (Transnational eco-system based Water Management)
MAN-MSG047 Globalising Cities and Hinterlands (Human Geography)