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Pre-master Economics, Behaviour and Policy

Students who have completed the Bachelor's programme 'Bedrijfskunde' (specialisation 'Bedrijfskunde' / specialisation 'Bedrijfseconomie') or the Bachelor's programme International Business Administration are admissible to the Master's specialisation in Economics, Behaviour and Policy, after they completed their Bachelor's programme and the following courses from the Bachelor's programme 'Economie en Bedrijfseconomie':

Course Course code Period Course load
International Economics MAN-BCU2021 1 6 EC
Macroeconomics MAN-BCU163EN 2

6 EC

History of Economics MAN-BCU302 1 and 2 6 EC
Topics in International Economics and Policy MAN-BCU3018 3 6 EC
Behavioural and Experimental Economics MAN-BCU2041 3 6 EC
Microeconomics MAN-BCU164EN 3 and 4 6 EC
Total course load 36 EC
