Relevant courses for internships
Departments for internships usually require that you have taken one or more particular courses before starting the internship. Below you can see which Bachelor's courses are important. The relevant Master's courses can be found in the specialization prospectuses.
Relevant Bachelor Courses for your Internships/specialisation
The courses mentioned with each department may be essential to the internship you choose there. Recommended courses are a useful addition to your knowledge on the research topics.
Analytical chemistry/Chemometrics/Trace Gas Lab
or Chemometrics for Molecular Life Sciences (no longer taught separately)
Spectroscopy Project
Applied Material Science
Condensed Matter Lab
Bioinformatics (CMBI)
Recommended: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics; Comparative genomics
Biomolecular chemistry
Advanced Molecular biology
Recommended: Animal Cell Biology, Biophysical Chemistry, Immunology
Biophysical Chemistry
Cell Biology
Condensed Matter Physics
Environmental chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry 2, HERA (environmental risk assessment)
Magnetic Resonance Research Centre
Magnetic resonance I/Introduction to Magnetic Resonance
Molecular pharmacology and toxicology
Recommended: Toxicology, Comparative Physiology, Molecular Basis of Diseases
Molecular Structure and Dynamics
Physical Chemistry of Soft Condensed Matter
Physical organic chemistry
Organic chemistry 3
Recommended, a choice in: Synthesis Lab 3, Stereoselective synthesis, Physical Organic Chemistry 2, Metal Organic Chemistry, a Magnetic Resonance course.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Solid state chemistry
Crystal Growth
Recommended: Condensed Matter Laboratory
Spectroscopy and Catalysis
Synthetic organic chemistry
Organic chemistry 3
Recommended, a choice in: Synthesis Lab 3, Stereoselective synthesis, Metal Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymer Chemistry, a Magnetic Resonance course.
Systems chemistry
Organic chemistry 3
Recommended, a choice in: Synthesis Lab 3, Stereoselective synthesis, Metal Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymer Chemistry, a Magnetic Resonance course.
Theoretical and Computational chemistry
Statistical Thermodynamics 1 and Statistical Thermodynamics 2
Recommended:Applied quantum chemistry