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Internship and thesis in research departments

The Bachelor's thesis is the conclusion of the Bachelor's degree programme. In the thesis you show that you can formulate and solve a relevant problem using methods from the Bachelor's programme. This means that you are able to

  • select and limit a problem,
  • formulate a corresponding research question,
  • select a combination of scientific methods and techniques to solve the problem,
  • and display the results clearly and reflect on the process.

You present your work in the form of short and long presentations and a scientific thesis.

In order to be able to start your bachelor thesis, you must have completed 120 ec from your bachelor programme, including all courses of the first year. In addition, it is strongly advised that you have completed or at least attended the course NWI-IBI007 Research Methods before starting your bachelor thesis.

There are two moments when you can start your thesis: at the beginning of the first semester or at the beginning of the second semester. The starting moments are bound to enrollment for the relevant course (NWI-IBC033; see the course description for a more detailed description of the method and content). The course has a clear structure, which will help you make consistent progress in your thesis work.

Finding a topic, supervisor and/or research company

You will do the research and writing of the thesis under the supervision of a lecturer. The coordinator of the bachelor's thesis can help you find a topic and supervisor, but you can also think for yourself about which research area you are interested in. If you would like to do your thesis research in a company, you also need a supervisor within the company in addition to the lecturer who is supervising your project. It is also recommended to use this form (pdf, 425 kB) (pdf, 425 kB) in case of thesis research at a company and have the company fill out the details and sign the form (you only need to fill out the first three pages).

Lecturers in the Computing Science programme are affiliated with the research institute ICIS, which has three research departments: Digital Security (DiS), Data Science (DaS) and Software Science (SwS). To get an impression of the themes that are central to these departments and the specific expertise of lecturers/researchers, you can take a look at the departments' websites.

To help you form ideas about a project and/or supervisor and/or company for your thesis research, you can visit the bachelor thesis market at the end of Q4 in your second year (following the course NWI-IBI007 Research Methods).

An overview of bachelor theses from the past can be found on this page.