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Overview of the Bachelor's Programme

B1 (First year) compulsory 60
Total 60
B2 (Second year) compulsory 60
Total 60
B3 (Third year) 36
Bachelor thesis 12
Restricted electives 24
Free-choice electives 24
Total 60

Bachelor Programme for academic year 2023-2024

B1 for cohort 2023

Course code Course Title EC
SOW-BKI140 Academic Reading & Writing 2
SOW-BKI122A AI Lab Skills 3
SOW-BKI136 Brain 3
SOW-BKI104 Calculus I 3
SOW-BKI134 Cognitive Psychology 3
SOW-BKI138 Frequentist Statistics 3
SOW-BKI114 Human-Computer Interaction 6
SOW-BKI135 Introduction Artificial Intelligence 3
NWI-IPK001 Introduction to Formal Reasoning 6
SOW-BKI115A Introduction Robotics 6
SOW-BKI124 Linear Algebra 3
NWI-IPI005 Object Oriented Programming 6
SOW-BKI137 Probability Theory 3
SOW-BKI142 Personal & Professional Development I 2
SOW-BKI131 Programming - 1 3
SOW-BKI132 Programming - 2 3
SOW-BKI141 Research Design & Scientific Method 2

B2 for cohort 2022

Course code Course name EC
SOW-BKI259 AI: Principles and Techniques 6
SOW-BKI316 Applied Mathematics 6
SOW-BKI203 Bayesian Statistics 6
SOW-BKI260 Calculus II 3
SOW-BKI255 Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 3
NWI-IBI008 Data Mining 6
SOW-BKI230A Deep Learning 6
SOW-BKI256 Functional Programming 3
SOW-BKI257 Knowledge Representation 3
SOW-BKI250 Natural Language Processing 3
SOW-BKI261 Philosophy of Science 3
SOW-BKI251 Professional Skills - 2 3
SOW-BKI258 Reinforcement Learning 3
SOW-BKI248 Societal Impact of AI 6

B-3 for cohort 2021

Course code Course name EC
SOW-BKI300* Bachelor Thesis 12
Restricted electives (24EC)
SOW-BKI332 AI as a Science 3
SOW-BKI333 AI in the Connected World 3
NWI-IBC036 Big Data 6
SOW-BKI323 Brain-Computer Interfacing 6
SOW-PSB3BC15E Cognitive Neuropsychology 6
NWI-IPC033 Information Modeling and Databases 6
SOW-BKI324 Modern Software Development Techniques 6
SOW-BKI331 Multi-Agent Systems 3
SOW-PSB3BC35E Signal Analysis and MATLAB 4
SOW-BKI334 Theoretical Modeling for Cognitive Science 6
Free-Choice Electives See recommended electives 24

Students from earlier cohorts should contact the student advisor paul.homke@ru.nl in order to determine the programme that is most suitable for them. Also see the Transitional Arrangements.

* Students in the Honours Programme may replace BKI300 with BKI340 Honours Bachelor Thesis.