Attainment Targets Master's Programme
Upon the conferral of a master’s degree in Anthropology and Development Studies, you have attained at least the following qualifications.
Theoretical competence
1. You can develop and argue independently a critical view of the most important theoretical and social debates in cultural anthropology and development studies, in particular those concerning solidarity.
Application of knowledge and insights (themes)
2. You take part in debates in the discipline of cultural anthropology and development studies using your own scholarly arguments, in particular about different forms of solidarity in a social context that is characterized by cultural diversity and inequality.
3. You develop your knowledge of and insights into one or more issues concerning solidarity.
Methods and techniques
4. a) You design a research project independently on the basis of a clearly defined research objective and a clearly defined and delineated research question about solidarity in the debate in cultural anthropology and development studies.
4. b) You select and employ independently the appropriate research methods to examine and analyse the research question, and if necessary and desirable, to adjust it to the context in which the research is conducted.
4. c) You collect and analyse data independently and you interpret the research findings in terms of theoretical debates on solidarity.
4. d) You evaluate critically a selected research approach as well as your own research once it has been completed, with specific attention for theory, methodology, critical attitude and scientific integrity.
Skills and attitude
5. You communicate your insights into social questions to social partners and on international academic platforms in writing, orally or using audio-visual and social media.
6. You develop independently a culturally sensitive approach to conduct research in intercultural situations at home and abroad and you employ cultural sensitivity by showing an open and critical attitude to the opinions of the population that is subject of research.
7. You reflect critically on your own epistemological position in research, and can argue this from a viewpoint connecting academia and society.