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Training & Supervision Plan

Each student is asked to fill out a training and supervision plan (TSP) within the first month of starting the programme. An editable version of the TSP can be found on the programme’s Brightspace site. The general compulsory courses have already been filled out in this document. Based on the track for which you have been admitted, you fill in your preferred set of core courses (for a total of 18ECs). Note that in the track section of the TSP you can only fill out courses offered in your track. For the Programme elective section you may fill out any track course from the programme. In addition, skill training courses and elective courses need to be chosen. Once completed, the TSP must be submitted to the programme coordinator a.koning@donders.ru.nl. The TSP will serve as a guideline throughout a student’s stay in the programme. Each time a TSP is altered, the updated version needs to be sent to the programme coordinator.

Filling out the TSP is an important part of the programme in which you specify which courses you will take. If you plan to take additional courses over and above 120 ECs, you can do so if you are committed to following all the courses that you have specified and this also means attending all lectures, doing all the assignments and taking the intermediate tests and final exams of those courses. Planning to take courses automatically registers you for its exam.