Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
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Thesis defense Jenni Schulz (Donders sereis 291)

12 October 2017

Promotor: Prof. dr. D. Norris

Simultaneous multi-slice imaging techniques for MRI acquisitions

Ever since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was invented, accelerating acquisitions has been a hot topic. Many dierent techniques have been developed and some of them are meanwhile well established in every-day scanning methods. For more than a decade, multiband (MB) or simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging has now been applied in dierent forms and sequences to speed-up acquisitions without the penalty of a pN-reduction in signal-to-noise ratio.

By introducing dierent simultaneous multi-slice techniques for MRI acquisitions, this thesis "Simultaneous multi-slice imaging techniques for MRI acquisitions" contributes to the ongoing research in the eld of accelerating MRI acquisitions. Each chapter presents knowledge with results from SMS design, implementation, application and analysis.

The presented work can in the future not only be used to improve acquisitions, but can also serve as a basis for further developments. With this ongoing research, magnetic resonance imaging will remain a power tool in future medical imaging and research.