Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
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Thesis defense Tamine Capato (Donders series 556)

29 June 2022

Promotor: prof. dr. B.R. Bloem
Copromotors: dr. J.H. Nonnekes, dr. N.M. de Vries

Clinical Assessment and Management of Balance Impairments in Parkinson’s disease

Balance and gait impairments in Parkinson’s disease (PD) improve only partially with pharmacological and surgical treatment. Therefore, non-pharmacological interventions such as physiotherapy are important elements in the overall clinical management. In this thesis, I aimed to study the clinical assessment and management of balance and falls in PD by developing and evaluating a novel intervention to improve both balance and gait. Second, I established patient profiles (subgroups) and tailored doses of a balance intervention. Third, I reported the effects of cueing on freezing of the upper limbs.