Thesis defense Yvonne Veenhuizen (Donders series 537)
20 May 2022
Promotors: prof. dr. A.C.H. Geurts, prof. dr. B.G.M. van Engelen
Co-promotors: dr. E.H.C. Cup, dr. J.T. Groothuis
Aerobic Exercise Training and Energy Conservation Management to improve social participation in people with a neuromuscular disease
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Energetic program
Energetic is a group program for people with a neuromuscular disease and chronic fatigue. The program lasts four months and includes four modules: 1) individually adapted aerobic training; 2) education focused on aerobic training; 3) self-management training focused on applying energy-saving strategies; and 4) implementation of what was learned during the first three modules into daily life focused on relapse prevention. Research of the Energiek program showed that the Energiek group improved more in social participation and physical fitness than the group with usual care and that the cost of Energiek was somewhat lower than usual care. In an evaluation with the participants and care professionals, the combination approach with fitness training and application of energy-saving strategies and in addition the group setting were perceived as positive features to get a better grip on participation throughout the day.
Further research will be conducted to see if Energiek can be implemented further in the Netherlands.