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Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.

Studying at Radboud University

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  • Bachelor's Open Day

    Visit our Bachelor's Open Day and attend information sessions about the Bachelor's of your interest, get to know our green campus, and ask all your questions to students and staff.

  • Master's Open Day

    Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

  • Meet us online

    Are you an international student interested in studying at Radboud University, but unable to come and visit us in person? We host a number of online events for students who are thinking of studying with us, and you’re always welcome to join.


Moleculen in een reactie

How day and night cycles shaped the dawn of life on Earth

Patterns such as day and night or seasons, were very important for the emergence of the first life on Earth. This is stated by chemist Peer van Duppen in his research on which he will receive his PhD at Radboud University on 17 December.


Education budget cuts and taking action

WOinAction is planning to take action at the Nijmegen city hall on Wednesday at 1:00 pm to protest against the education cuts. Anyone who wants to join it will be allowed to do so.


Netherlands Press Council publishes conclusion on Gelderlander articles about Han van Krieken

The Netherlands Press Council has upheld a complaint by Han van Krieken about two articles published by De Gelderlander. According to the council, van Krieken made it plausible that there has been ‘untrue and biased reporting’.


top 200 met muziek

Top 2000 pub quiz in collaboration with Upbeatles

Take part in the top 2000 pub quiz and test your music knowledge!

Science Café Nijmegen - How we learn: neurocognition and mathematical learning algorithm

Science Café Nijmegen - How we learn: neurocognition and mathematical learning algorithm

Babies learn at a breathtaking pace, transforming from completely helpless into autonomous beings. What exactly is happening here?

Beeld bij programma Hoe moet Europa zich verdedigen? van Radboud Reflects.

How Should Europe Defend Itself?

How should European defence be shaped? What steps have already been taken and what legal, cultural and political obstacles stand in the way of deeper military cooperation?