IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art
IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art, is a special exhibition at Icon Museum in Kampen. IKONA deals with the portrayal of women and their various roles in Orthodox art. The exhibit ends on 29 September 2024.
Donders Advanced (f)MRI Toolkit
This intensive 5-day course will provide an overview of the MR Methods (that can be) used in Cognitive Neuroimaging.
Take a look inside the assessment building
From 16 to 19 September, the Comenius building will be open during the lunch break (12.30-13.30). This is where most of Radboud University's digital assessments are taken. You can visit both locations (A and B).
Studying strategically
During the strategic studying training you will receive advice on how to process large amounts of study material in an effective and efficient manner.
Starting dates
18 September 2024
13 November 2024
Donders Session: NeurotechEU and Donders Institute
Join us for an exciting Donders Session, where we explore the synergies between the Donders Institute and NeurotechEU, the European University of Brain and Technology.
Workshop Radboud Dissertation Series
A Radboud University Press workshop will take place on Thursday 19 September 2024. During this workshop, the service ‘Publish your dissertation through Radboud Dissertation Series’ will be explained.
Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'
Come to our workshop for PhD candidates on how to publish your dissertation in the Radboud Dissertation Series.
Theme meetings for Donderians
Theme meetings will be organized every third Thursday, every two months, such that all Donderians have the opportunity to join multiple theme meetings.
City of Carmel: Practices of Silence of 25-35 year old Persons within a New Community of Faith in the City of Cape Town
The core question that propelled the research was: What thoughts, bodily awareness, and emotions are GenNet persons reporting in their practices of silence as an experience related to the divided self and God?
Spotlight on statistics
Colloquium or discussion for researchers and BSI Research Masters students within the BSI about statistics for research about behaviour. William van der Veld will present a plea for the use of R and R Markdown in research and also in teaching.
RDM II workshop
Second part of the research data management workshop.
Publish your dissertation via 'Radboud Dissertation Series'
Come to our workshop for PhD candidates on how to publish your dissertation in the Radboud Dissertation Series.
Workshop 'FAQ: what are your qualities?' (Dutch)
In this workshop, you will explore your strengths. This will help you better to find an internship or job that suits you and to point out your strengths in your application.
Inaugural lecture professor Harriët Jager-Wittenaar
Professor of Dietetics and transmural nutritional care at Radboud University, Faculty of Medical Sciences will deliver an inaugural lecture (in Dutch) on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 3.45 pm.
CLS Talks: Laura Speed
The monthly CLS Talks showcase research done within the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) with the aim to increase awareness of the ongoing research in the institute. This month, dr. Laura Speed will be exploring language in aphantasia.
Mathematics Tournament
On Friday 20 September, the Mathematics Tournament 2024 will take place. This year is the 33rd edition of the international tournament. 100 teams of students from all over the country are tackling the most difficult maths problems.
The outer space principle in colorectal cancer; Can rocket science explain tumor deposits?
Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the Netherlands. To guide clinicians in treatment decisions, a risk classification is used in which lymph node metastases play a crucial role.
Text comprehension in monolingual and bilingual early adolescence
Lecture by Professor Cain about reading comprehension for BSI colleagues and BSI RM students. Her research focuses on the cognitive and language-related skills that support the development of these abilities, in both typical and atypical populations.
Novel approaches in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the prostate: Improved clinical molecular imaging and first investigation of molecular diffusion
The main goal of this thesis is to establish a reliable methodology for prostate 1H-MRSI by addressing significant technical challenges. This work aims to make 1H-MRSI more accessible and clinically valuable for prostate cancer management.
Locating American Studies
To mark the 35th anniversary of the American Studies program, a keynote event will be held with special guest Dean Burry.