Radboud  Go Abroad aug 2024 2
Radboud  Go Abroad aug 2024 2

Going abroad for PhDs, lecturers and staff

Tuesday 8 October 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Have you ever considered going abroad to expand your (academic) skills and professional network through an international staff mobility, or thought of continuing your research at a university outside the Netherlands?

There are many options to consider, also for support staff, for instance teaching or conducting research abroad, 1-on-1 job shadowing, participating in a summer school or joining an international staff training week. It is a perfect occasion to meet international counterparts, exchange experiences and insights and gain new  knowledge and skills. Furthermore, a work-related stay abroad can offer valuable input on the manner in which you practise your position here. Especially within Europe there are various options of financing an international mobility, usually through an Erasmus+ grant. If this grant is not applicable, there are also other possibilities, like the Radboud Internationalisation grants.

For researchers who would like to continue their research outside the Netherlands, we will show a variety of possibilities of programmes, prizes and grants you can apply for after your PhD or postdoc assignment.

Room: MM 02.130

Tuesday 8 October 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm