Please note: This event is ment for student board members. They have also received an invite via e-mail.
On Tuesday 15 October, we will kick off your board year together! Between 13.00 - 18.00 you will come into contact with different subjects and staff members at Radboud University through an interactive introduction and practical workshops. The day is all about getting to know each other and the university, getting to know different topics and toasting together to a great board year.
Registration is now possible until the 11th of October.
Kick-Off Meeting - CC1 – Collegezalencomplex or E. 2.50
12.45 – 13.00 – Walk in with coffee and tea at CC1 of E. 2.50
13.00 – 13.15 – Introduction SLIM
13.15 – 13.45 – Dialogue ‘Code of Conduct and board responsibility’
13.45 – 14.00 – Rounding up/walking
Workshoprounds - Erasmusbuilding
14.00 – 15.15 – Workshopround 1
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ENG/NL)
- Alcohol and substance use (NL)
- Social Safety (ENG/NL)
- Wellbeing (NL)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ENG/NL)
- Alcohol and substance use (NL)
- Social Safety (ENG/NL)
- Wellbeing (NL)
15.30 – 16.45 – Workshopround 2
After drinks
Cultuurcafé - +/- 16.45 – 18.00
Workshop contents:
Workshop Diversity Equity and Inclusion – DEI Student Ambassadors (ENG/NL)
As a student board member, do you believe it’s important for your organization to be truly accessible and inclusive for all students? If so, sign up for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion workshop during the Student Board Kick-Off! In this interactive session, led by two experienced DEI Student Ambassadors, you’ll have the opportunity to critically reflect on the blind spots within your organization and identify concrete steps for improvement. You'll leave with practical insights and tools to implement positive changes right away.
Workshop Alcohol and Substance Use – Door het Geluid (NL)
We often talk about being more conscious about alcohol in student life, but how do you talk about this topic within your organisation? How normalised is drinking alcohol really for yourself, within your board, and within your student organisation? Stichting Door het Geluid, runs workshops for and by students and seeks to break taboos with open and approachable conversations. The workshop is interactive, you learn to recognise risk signals and get tools to respond to them.
Workshop Social Safety and the Confidential Advisor (ENG/NL)
In this workshop, given by Radboud University's confidential advisors, you will discuss together how to deal with socially unsafe situations within your student organisation. Together, you will discuss a case and talk about socially unsafe behaviour, recognising signals, having difficult conversations, and learn where to go within Radboud University if you need help.
Workshop Wellbeing (NL)
You may already have noticed that, as a board member, you get all kinds of opportunities thrown your way and all kinds of requests from members. And if you are not careful, you are actually far too busy and have no time left for yourself let alone the things that are important to you. So how do you make sure you don't burn out during your board year? And how do you keep some time for yourself? David de Jonge will take you through a practical tool that can help you better assess whether to say yes or no to something. Better to be able to say no to something/someone now, than to have to say no to everything and everyone later because of your burnout. It is an interactive workshop, do you already have some examples of what you have encountered? Bring them along so we can discuss them. ze bespreken.