Olivas and Walz will arrive at Radboud University around 10.30am. First, 2 teams of talented students (including Radboud students) will pitch their ideas for the future - based on space travel - as part of the Moonshots programme.
NL Moonshots ‘24 is an ambitious and groundbreaking programme, initiated by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), that challenges students from mbo, hbo and wo to come up with creative and innovative solutions to space challenges. This programme offers them guidance from real astronauts and experts in the field, giving them a unique opportunity to make their ideas a reality.
Want to know what ‘crazy ideas’ Radboud University and partners have about and for Earth? Annelies Ampe presents innovative ideas from the Radboud Radio Lab.
Practical information
Location: Linnaeus Building, Heyendaalseweg 137, 6525 AJ Nijmegen
Room: LIN3
Doors open from 10.15
This event is in English