IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art
IKONA | Holy women in Orthodox Christian art, is a special exhibition at Icon Museum in Kampen. IKONA deals with the portrayal of women and their various roles in Orthodox art. The exhibit ends on 29 September 2024.
Let's Meet - annual introduction new BSI employees!
Introduction meeting for new BSI employees to learn where you can get support and advice for your research activitities.
The Management of Happiness
The aim of this study is to analyse the connection between happiness, ethics, and economy in Agamben’s account of biopolitics.
Recharge Your Motivation at the “It's-Never-Too-Late Charging Station”
You know the feeling: after a holiday, you're full of energy and plans, but daily life slowly drains that excitement. It's time to recharge! If you need a boost, visit the "It's-Never-Too-Late Charging Station" at PV Radboud on September 10.
Efficient neural network training for 4D-CTA stroke imaging
Stroke is a medical emergency that occurs due to either a blocked blood vessel or a brain bleed, necessitating swift and precise diagnosis by clinicians to ensure effective treatment.
ATLAS.ti v23/24 for Windows - Basic workshop
This is an introduction workshop to ATLAS.ti version 23/24 for Windows.
(Epi)genetic control of transcription factor binding and activity across the genome
The PhD defense of H.K. Neikes is on 10 September 2024 at 2:30 pm.
Defending the rights of asylum seekers and refugees in court: Strategic litigation by NGOs in asylum law in Europe
The rights of asylum seekers and refugees are under pressure. Not only in the Netherlands, the latest development being the new coalition’s Outline Agreement, but also in the rest of Europe.
Intraoperative imaging and image-guidance in the hybrid operating room: benign bone tumors and bone metastases
The PhD defence of T.R.F. van Steenbergen is on 11 September 2024 at 10:30 am.
The Human Touch in Deep Learning for Bioinformatics: A Synthetic Data Approach
The PhD defence of D.T. Rademaker is on 11 September 2024 at 12:30 pm.
Quantum effects in cold collisions of ammonia molecules
This PhD thesis investigates collisions between cold molecules. It provides insight into the interaction between molecules and highlights various quantum mechanical effects.
Innate fear responses in zebrafish larvae
Emmanuel will give a guest lecture on his research vision and future plans on the topic "Innate fear responses in zebrafish larvae"
Towards utilizing the full potential of old – but not outdated - drugs for tuberculosis and nontuberculous disease
Multiple antibiotics are combined to treat tuberculosis (TB) and non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease. Although many of these antibiotics have been used for decades, the optimal dose is often unknown.
Colloquium Relationship thriving and social connection
Colloquium on emotional experiences fostering social connection. Next to that Sara Algoe will host a workshop to exchange research ideas and findings on relationship thriving and social connection, and to inspire future research and collaboration.
Beyond the Gates. A new take on living behind walls.
Gated communities - gated residential areas behind walls or fences - are a hotly contested urban phenomenon.
All new projects at the DCCN require a PPM presentation and an approved PPM online form before access to lab and computer facilities is granted.
The role of visual cues in early language acquisition in the infant brain
Children typically learn language not just by hearing speech but also by seeing visual cues during face-to-face interactions with caregivers.
Current Affairs Lecture 12|09 | A Scientific Perspective on the News
Come to the Current Affairs Lectures. Get inspired by the scientists of Radboud University and construct your own opinion about current affairs.
DCCN Colloquium: Tom Verguts
Prof. dr. Tom Verguts will give a talk on "learning cognitive control". He will explain several studies based on this basic idea, in the domains of learning task switching, learning rates, attention, and learning strategies.
Inaugural lecture professor Nicol Voermans
Professor of Muscular Diseases at Radboud University, Faculty of Medical Sciences will deliver an inaugural lecture (in Dutch) on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 3.45 pm.