
Result 1 - 3 of 3 results
  • Open Sterrenkijkavond

    Open Stargazing Evening: November

    During the Open Stargazing Evening, you are welcome to visit our telescopes!

  • Monika Moscibrodzka

    Huygens Colloquium: Monika Moscibrodzka

    Wilhelm Huck discusses the role of artificial intelligence in chemistry during the Huygens Colloquium. While AI has already made great strides in other fields, its use in chemistry is still in its early stages. For FNWI staff and students.

  • 15th CERS event

    15th Central European Relativity Seminar

    The annual CERS series is a forum for younger researchers in all areas of general relativity to present their work and to expand their research horizons.