The Halkes Women+ Faculty Network Nijmegen invites you to their Annual Roundtable Discussion event. Our roundtable discussions aim to create an opportunity for reflection and facilitate the sharing of experiences and ideas around urging matters in our daily life as women+ members of the academic community. This year’s list of roundtable topics include:
- Inclusion and exclusion in the context of academic mobility
- Embracing diversity: from ageism to neurodivergence
- Academic activism: a safe space to raise voices
- Transparency tensions in research and teaching
More details about the topics can be found here (pdf).
DAY & TIME: Monday, 28 October, from 14:00-16:00
LOCATION: 00.53 Erasmus building (on the ground-floor part of De Refter)
TARGET GROUP: Staff and students of Radboud University and Radboudumc
ADMISSION: free (coffee and snacks will be provided) Sign up via this form