Together with The Young Academy Radboud Young Academy organises the first Slow Science Hike. The Slow Science Hikes is a Young Academy hiking group offering academic staff an opportunity to meet and chat in a relaxed, interdisciplinary setting. Every two months, we get together in the vicinity of a Dutch university and go for a walk of between 10 and 20 kilometres. Anyone employed at a Dutch academic institution is welcome to join us. The first Slow Science Hike will bring us to a natural area close to Radboud University, the Mookerheide. Please prepare yourself for a varied route with heath and forest, a lot of height differences and some breathtaking viewpoints. Halfway we will have lunch at herberg ‘t Zwaantje (at own expense).
When: Friday 27 September 2024
Start and end point: station Mook – Molenhoek
Start time: 11:00 (we leave at 11:15 exactly!)
End time: between 16:00 and 17:00
Distance: +/- 13 km
Language: English
The Young Academy and Radboud Young Academy organise Slow Science Hike
- When
- Friday 27 September 2024, 11 am - 5 pm
- Organisation
- Radboud Young Academy