Waalpainting Operation Market Garden Lindenberg
Waalpainting Operation Market Garden Lindenberg

Spoken Word Walk: Schijn bedriegt

Sunday 20 October 2024, 2 pm - 4 pm
As part of Nijmeegs History Festival TOEN

Please note that this event is in Dutch. 

What lessons do city poet Simon Mamahit, campus poet Thijs Kersten and spoken word artist Lin An Phoa draw from stories about Roman cities, wars and emancipation movements? Have we learnt from the past?

Together with these poets and a number of historical experts from Radboud University, walk past three historical street art works, because are these stories actually true? An afternoon of word art to get you thinking. We will end at brewery De Hemel, where you can chat over a beer.

The cost for this Spoken Word Walk is 13.50 euros (including consumption at De Hemel). There is only room for 40 people, so be quick!

Find more information on the TOEN website
Sunday 20 October 2024, 2 pm - 4 pm
Dr E.E.J. Manders (Erika), Dr J.B.A.M. Brabers (Jan), Prof. S.T.A.M. Mols (Stephan), Thijs Kersten (campusdichter) , Simon Mamahit (stadsdichter) , Lin an Phoa (spoken word artieste)
Waalpaintings in het centrum van Nijmegen, startlocatie Waalpainting Market Garden (Lindenberg)