Webinar Successful Studying

Are you in doubt about your convenient way of studying? The webinar Successful Studying will help you get started.


    Please note: this event is in Dutch.

    Does studying take up a lot of your time, but you don't see this reflected in your results? Do you have trouble separating main and side issues? Do you doubt whether you have a convenient way of studying? You can now rewatch the webinar 'Successful Studying'.

    Student Support is organising the webinar Successful Studying on Monday 21 November. In this webinar, you will work through the three steps of active studying: orientation, global review and intensive review. You will get tools to help you figure out what is important, what to focus on and how to make a good summary.

    Do you want to study more successfully? Then watch the webinar via Osiris.

    Course code: ASB-SHSTUDIE

    Go to Osiris

    Starting date

    To be announced
    New dates will follow.
    Main Language
    Number of sessions
    Student Support


    Type of education
    Student Support

    Contact information

    Do you have questions about registration? Then email: sacursus [at] ru.nl (sacursus[at]ru[dot]nl)