Het ToekomstMakersmodel: 5 typen toekomstmakers en hun ontwikkelbehoeften
Het ToekomstMakersmodel: 5 typen toekomstmakers en hun ontwikkelbehoeften

Webinar with Marije Klomp and Yvonne van Sark about the ToekomstMakers Model

Friday 18 October 2024, 12 pm - 1 pm

86% of students at Radboud University want to contribute to society as professionals in the future, and 72% want to start doing so even as students. This is great news! However, research by Youngworks, commissioned by Radboud University, also shows that students are not yet sure exactly how to make this impact.

On Friday, October 18, Marije Klomp (Program Director Sustainability at Radboud University) and Yvonne van Sark (Youngworks consultant) will delve deeper into the research conducted by Youngworks.

This webinar offers tools for education and sustainability professionals to better support students across various domains of the organization: education, research, Career Center, operations, and student counseling. The model highlights the importance of not treating students as one homogeneous group but rather approaching them with nuance.

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Youngworks Research 

What characterizes the current generation of Radboud University students? What do they find important? What do they want to contribute to society, both now and in their professional futures? And how can Radboud University support them in this? A total of 1,663 students fully completed the questionnaire addressing these questions.

Based on the findings from Youngworks, the ToekomstMakers Model was formulated. The ToekomstMakers Model provides many points of reference to ignite and facilitate students' motivation to make an impact. Moreover, the model demonstrates the importance of not approaching students as a single homogeneous group, but with nuance. The five types of ToekomstMakers differ significantly in what motivates them and the barriers they encounter.

Read more about the research and download the research report

Radboud Green Office 

Are you a student or staff member who wants to actively engage in sustainability on campus? Radboud Green Office is your designated partner.

Visit Radboud Green Office

Friday 18 October 2024, 12 pm - 1 pm
Programme Sustainable
Registration deadline