DEI studentambassadors ceremonie
DEI studentambassadors ceremonie

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Radboud University is contributing to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. How do we realise a diverse and inclusive campus for all our students and staff? On this page you can find all the information about DEI at Radboud University.


Diversity Day 2024

Looking back on Diversity Day: “My life is not defined by my disability, but by me being Eva. An individual.”

Every first Tuesday of October, we celebrate Diversity Day on campus. This year, Diversity Day fell on Tuesday 1 October. Radboud University organised an afternoon of activities around diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Fleur Hubau

DEI Ambassador Fleur: ‘You can really allow people to flourish’

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) should be standard practice at our university. This is something that DEI Ambassadors are dedicated to. Student Fleur, who has already taken part in the Ambassadors Programme, talks about her experience.

Become a DEI Ambassador

Do you want to actively contribute to a university where everyone feels welcome? Are you interested in learning how to put Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into practice with students, staff, and student leaders (of student boardmembers/student organisations)? Then the DEI Student Ambassadors Program is for you! 

Read more and register


Judith Butler: Gender als politieke splijtzwam | Actuele denkers lezing en gesprek met filosoof Katrine Smiet en socioloog Niels Spierings

Who is Judith Butler? Thinker on Gender as a Political Divisive Issue | Current thinkers lecture and conversation with philosopher Katrine Smiet and sociologist Niels Spierings

Who is the influential American philosopher Judith Butler? Learn from philosopher Katrine Smiet and sociologist Niels Spierings what Judith Butler's ideas are and what makes gender such a political divisive issue.

Gerard Leckiepad

Radboud University likes to give its buildings a name (but which one?)

Names matter, as anyone who has ever had to choose a name for their baby knows. So too at Radboud University, which is teeming with names of buildings, paths, and squares, names that, unlike babies’ names, can be revisited.


“These voices deserve to be heard”

Radboud professor of Cognitive Diversity Léon De Bruin made a series of audio interviews with neurodivergent students and came to some extraordinary insights.


Do you have any questions or comments? You can always contact the DEI Office.

Organisational unit

My goal is to make my own job redundant.
Lia Kleuskens
Lia Kleuskens Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) coordinator Read Lia's story