Er zijn voor medewerkers met een hart voor duurzaamheid talloze initiatieven op de campus
Er zijn voor medewerkers met een hart voor duurzaamheid talloze initiatieven op de campus

Testimonials: learning about sustainability

Not only does Radboud University offer an extensive range of sustainable education for students, but as an employee or professional, you can also participate in events, courses, masterclasses, and training sessions on sustainability. We aim to prepare you for a sustainable future.

Students about taking a sustainable course

I would definitely recommend the course to other students, as it invites us to deal with scientific theories and critical thinking in a completely different way
Student Desirée Kruizinga
Desirée Kruizinga Student Read Desirée Kruizinga's story
I would definitely recommend this course to other students, especially those interested in learning more about discourses regarding gender and the ensuing assumptions and expectations placed onto individuals, whether they are military personnel or civilians
Johanna Klemt Student Read Johanna Klemt's story
Sustainability is the roadmap for our future
Lisa Weller volgde het duurzame vak Duurzaamheid, communicatie en media
Lisa Weller Student Read Lisa Weller's story
The course is extremely interesting and taught in a way where you don’t need prior knowledge in ethics or economics or science to understand the content
Lyndsey-Denton Fray is geïnteresseerd in duurzaamheid en koos daarom voor het vak Climate Crisis.
Lyndsey Denton-Fray Student Read Lyndsey Denton-Fray's story

Lecturers about teaching a sustainable course

Only Radboud University looks at this subject from the perspective of so many different disciplines
Marc Davidson
Marc Davidson Professor Philosophical ethics and political philosophy Read Marc Davidson's story
Becoming aware of these underlying mechanisms and critically reflecting upon them, is a first step toward sustainability and change
Portretfoto Jutta Joachim
Jutta Joachim Associate professor International Relations Read Jutta Joachim's story
Examining how sustainability is communicated in the media is very relevant, especially as almost all the information we receive about this topic reaches us via the media
Docent Marieke Fransen
Marieke Fransen Professor Communication Science Read Marieke Fransen's story
Problems relating to sustainability call for creative solutions
Docent Vincent Meelberg
Vincent Meelberg Assistant professor Department of Modern Languages and Cultures Read Vincent Meelberg's story