Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst 2023
Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst 2023

New Year's Gathering 2025

The New Year's Gathering is for all staff and students of Radboud University. During this meeting, we will look back at 2024 and look ahead to 2025 in conversations with various staff and students.

The New Year's Gathering will take place on Monday 6 January 2025 in the Auditorium of Radboud University. You are cordially invited to physically attend the meeting or follow it via the livestream. Afterwards, there will be a lunch where we can toast to the new year.

The programme

The programme is dedicated to the theme 'truth'. During the New Year Gathering, the Hermesdorf Prizes will be awarded and various interviews on current topics will take place. Below is an overview of the speakers, as soon as more is known about the programme this overview will be further updated. 


professor Niels Spierings

Niels Spierings

Niels Spierings

Constant Swinkels

Constant Swinkels
Clean Pete - Art & Science festival

Clean Pete

Clean Pete
Harmen Ghijsen

Harmen Ghijsen

Harmen Ghijsen
Roel Smeets

Roel Smeets

Roel Smeets
Jeroen de Baaij

Jeroen de Baaij

Jeroen de Baaij
Mijntje Mulder en Manou Tuerlings via VOX

Mijntje Mulder en Malou Tuerlings

Mijntje Mulder en Malou Tuerlings
Saskia Lavrijssen

Saskia Lavrijssen

Saskia Lavrijssen

Hermesdorf Awards

Plaquette Hermesdorfprijs, met beeltenis van prof. mr. B.H.D. Hermesdorf

2024 Hermesdorf Awards to Niels Spierings and Constant Swinkels

This year, the Hermesdorf Award and the Hermesdorf Talent Award go to sociologist Niels Spierings and ecologist Constant Swinkels.

Plaquette Hermesdorfprijs, met beeltenis van prof. mr. B.H.D. Hermesdorf

2023 Hermesdorf Awards go to Platform Diversity in Sex and Gender and to Paul Reef

This year, the Hermesdorf Award and the Hermesdorf Talent Award go to the Platform Diversity in Sex and Gender Platform and to Paul Reef.

Plaquette Hermesdorfprijs, met beeltenis van prof. mr. B.H.D. Hermesdorf

2022 Hermesdorf Awards for Alma Tostmann, Chantal Rovers, and Kiane de Kleijne

The Hermesdorf Award and the Hermesdorf Talent Award are awarded every year to researchers who have dared to take risks. This year, the awards go to Alma Tostmann, Chantal Rovers, and Kiane de Kleijne.

Practical information

The New Year's Gathering will take place on Monday 6 January 2023 from 11:00 - 13:15 in the Radboud University's auditorium.


Comeniuslaan 2
525 HP Nijmegen