‘As a society we are facing complex issues, for which cooperation between all kinds of disciplines is becoming increasingly important. Therefore it is necessary that young people learn during their education to look beyond their own borders and to cooperate with students from other educational institutions. Teachers have an important role in this: cooperation with colleagues from other educational institutions is also essential for them. Not only to learn from each other, but also to learn with each other in the future.
During the talk show in the teachers' lounge, in a café setting, I will discuss with my parallel colleagues Erik Heijmans of the HAN and Irene Wannet of the ROC why networking and knowledge exchange is so important. Erik is setting up a Center for Teaching and Learning at the HAN, Irene is coordinating the start-up of such a same center at the ROC. We would like to tell in the talk show that with such a center, all three of us have a hub where teachers can go if they want contact with teachers from the other educational institutions on a specific subject. We also want to emphasize the importance of networking and interdisciplinary education. One way we do this is by explaining the existing alliance between the university and college, with the ambition to have every student interact with a student from the other institution at least once during their studies.
The talk show is with an audience, so I expect interaction with the audience. The talk show can also be followed live via Microsoft Teams. I think the great thing about The Education Days is that we as educational institutions can learn from each other through cross-pollination. I myself focus particularly on teacher professionalization and the development of education. Hence, looking at the program, I am especially curious about the warm-up and keynote with experience designer Nils Roemen, who on Wednesday March 20th will address the use of stimulating design in education and the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Furthermore, I have already signed up for the education dinner on Thursday evening, March 21, at the ROC, where we can exchange teacher knowledge and experiences in an informal and approachable way. This could be about all kinds of working methods, the use of tools, forms of discussion and research into education. A lot is happening at all three institutions: it is extremely valuable that we can combine all the knowledge and learn from each other during The Education Days. So the program offers something for everyone.'