voorjaar op de campus
voorjaar op de campus

Adjusted opening hours in spring

Adjusted opening hours for buildings and facilities on campus apply during the spring holidays.

Most buildings on campus are closed on:

  • Friday 29 March (Good Friday)
  • Sunday 31 March (Easter Sunday)
  • Monday 1 April (Easter Monday)
  • Saturday 27 April (King's Day)
  • Sunday 5 May (Liberation Day)
  • Thursday 9 May (Ascension Day)
  • Friday 10 May (collective holiday)
  • Sunday 19 May (Whit Monday)
  • Monday 20 May (Whit Monday)

However, this does not apply to all buildings so please check the opening hours of a specific building before coming to campus.

Different opening hours

Radboud Sport & Culture, the University Library and the Student Chaplaincy may have different opening hours - you can find these on their websites. The same applies to the opening hours of campus restaurants and cafés and study workplaces.