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All your publications together in one place

Help with creating a ResearcherID and ORCID

You can create a ResearcherID in Web of Science. That way you can link all your publications to your preferred author name. You not only link your publications from Web of Science, but also your publications from other databases, such as grey literature, book(chapters) and reports. This makes your publications easier and faster to find in Web of Science. Not only for yourself, but also for others. The number of citations and your H-index are also immediately visible. If you work on your ResearcherID once, it is easy to keep it up to date.

With an ORCID you can also be found outside Web of Science with all your publications. You can easily synchronize your ResearcherID with your ORCID. On 7 May, we will be happy to help you set this up.


ORCID: connecting research and researchers

Contact information

Organizational unit
Library of Science