Biodiversiteit op de campus
Biodiversiteit op de campus

Biodiversity implementation programme 2023

The 2023 Implementation Programme describes the activities and measures planned this year. Measures and activities needed to achieve better conditions for biodiversity, climate adaptation, nature-inclusive building and an improved relationship between people and nature.

The programme will be implemented as much as possible in collaboration with students, scientists, volunteers and local residents. The biodiversity project group remains open to new ideas and initiatives in the field of biodiversity. Where possible, the 2023 implementation programme will be adjusted accordingly.


The implementation programme is based on the biodiversity policy jointly adopted by Radboud University and Radboudumc and the biodiversity vision they commissioned.

The policy and vision will be secured in the organisation by:

  •     translating the relevant parts of the biodiversity vision into the standard documents of Radboud University (Property & Facilities Manual) and Radboudumc;
  •     including the relevant parts of the biodiversity vision in the joint Visual Quality Plan of Radboud University and Radboudumc;
  •     implement the measures described in 'Climate Adaptation Radboud';
  •     visualise communication on biodiversity more and make better use of social media (communication plan).

Projects and initiatives

The biodiversity project group has several projects in preparation.

  • Towards a more natural layout of the Toernooiveld.
  • The planning takes into account a forest connection between the campus woodland and Park Brakkenstein.
  • Encouraging a connection between Park Brakkenstein and the immediate surroundings of Nijmegen municipality.
  • Biodiversity design for Geert Grooteplein.
  • Plan for restoration of the avenue of trees on René Descartesdreef.
  • Plan for a biodiverse site layout after the demolition of buildings of Radboudumc west.
  • Placement of 'incubators' to provide a nesting place on campus for the Flying Deer (a rare insect).
  • We facilitate a 'recovery walk' including a picking garden, at the wadi behind Woman and Child building.

The biodiversity vision is increasingly part of site management

  • Dead trees remain standing or lying down.
  • Dead branches remain (loose or stacked).
  • Creation of more relief, sandy spots and steep edges.
  • Hedges may grow taller and thicker.


To determine the effectiveness of the measures, it is important to monitor the development of biodiversity on campus and thus evaluate and, if necessary, adjust the biodiversity policy. This involves questions such as: when do you know you are ready? Is it progressing well enough? Or are we actually doing very well? The monitoring sounding board group uses the 'measuring stick for biodiversity', the instrument to monitor biodiversity on campus, for this purpose.

The following actions are planned for 2023.

  • Meetings sounding board group monitoring in May and November. This sounding board group consists of volunteers, students and local residents interested in the biodiversity of the campus site.
  • Monitoring the development of biodiversity in the Tiny Forest and the forest planting around the Disveldpad.
  • Mapping the trees on the site, with a special focus on the monumental trees.
  • Monitoring animals on campus at various times of the year: bird day (February), bee day (April), butterfly day (June), soil animal day (October).


Many people are interested in nature on campus and at the same time have concerns about the decline of biodiversity. The biodiversity project group likes to involve these scientists, students, staff, local residents and organisations in the policy and its implementation.

In 2023, the agenda is as follows.

  • The project group helps realise the plan of the Friends of the Green Corridor partnership. The partnership is developing a green walking route that will also pass through the Radboud site.
  • Support for Professor Stephan Mols' plan to make the Roman Limes visible in a natural way.
  • Placement of planters with cornflowers to facilitate the insect research of Radboud PhD researcher Constant Swinkels and Dr Nils van Rooijen, Wageningen Environmental Research researcher.
  • Employees of FNWI took the initiative to create a more natural layout of the Tournament Field. In consultation with the biodiversity project group, an implementation plan for this is being drawn up.
  • The project group involves scientists in internal and external initiatives such as census days, a more natural Toernooiveld, etc.
  • By organising tours of the campus, we demonstrate the implementation of the biodiversity policy in practice.
  • Supervising student initiatives, for example through graduation internships in the field of biodiversity.
  • With colleagues from other universities and academic hospitals, we regularly coordinate and exchange experiences on biodiversity policy and measures to be taken.
  • Walking on campus is encouraged with the creation of an attractive and interactive walking map.
  • On 22 May (International Biodiversity Day), we organise various activities around biodiversity for a wide audience of employees, students, local residents and other interested parties.

Contact information

Organizational unit
Campus & Facilities