kris van der pas
kris van der pas

CMR podcast #4: Kris van der Pas on strategic litigation by NGOs

The rights of asylum seekers and refugees are under pressure in Europe. These groups enjoy legal protection through European Union law and international human rights, but those laws are often not enforced. This leads to more strategic litigation by interest groups. In this podcast, PhD candidate in Sociology of Law & Migration Law Kris van der Pas discusses this with PhD candidate Naome Al-Saqaff and assistant professor Karen Geertsema.

Van der Pas will receive her PhD on Tuesday 10 September for her thesis 'Opkomen voor de rechten van asielzoekers en vluchtelingen bij de rechter: Strategisch procederen door ngo’s in het asielrecht in Europa'.

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About the CMR podcast

The CMR podcast series presents interviews with scholars and experts in the practice of migration law (in both Dutch and English). We discuss current developments in European migration law and their impact in European member states as well as countries outside the EU. The talks provide a look behind the scenes of research and scholars' involvement in policy-making. Interesting therefore for other scientists and experts, but especially for politicians and policymakers at European and national level, consultants, interested citizens and, of course, our students. 

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