gs4s podcast
gs4s podcast

CMR Podcast - GS4S mini-series #1: Mahdi Ghodsi on the role of skills shortages in migration aspirations in the Western Balkans

Welcome to the CMR Podcast's mini-series about the Horizon Europe project GS4S – Global Strategy for Skills, Migration and Development. In this project – running from 2024 to 2026 - fourteen partners from ten countries seek to better understand global skills shortages in the digital, care, and construction sectors, and foster skills development through innovative analyses. The project proposes multi-level evidence-based policies on labour migration governance and alternative ways to address these shortages in six regions: EU, EEA, Western Balkan, Middle East and Northern Africa, West Africa, and South/South-East Asia. In a mini-series of six podcasts, we will present some of GS4S results, and discuss their policy implications.

In the first episode of the GS4S mini-series, Colleen Boland and Ksenija Ivanović have a conversation with Mahdi Ghodsi, an Economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), one of partner organizations at GS4S. 

Ghodsi has extensive experience in applied econometrics, macroeconomic modelling, and data science, with a particular focus on global markets, trade policy, trade regulations, financial and labour market analysis, migration policy, economics of sanctions, and Iran's economy. Recently, he led GS4S research on the role of skills shortages in shaping migration aspirations in the Western Balkans. 

In this episode, Ghodsi discusses the relevance and key findings of the GS4S research. He reflects on challenges encountered during the process, and how these were overcome to result in novel indicators of skills shortages. The episode also digs deeper into the policy implications of skills-oriented migration from the Western Balkans to the European Union. 

The Horizon Europe project GS4S was funded by the European Union

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About the CMR podcast

The CMR podcast series presents interviews with scholars and experts in the practice of migration law (in both Dutch and English). We discuss current developments in European migration law and their impact in European member states as well as countries outside the EU. The talks provide a look behind the scenes of research and scholars' involvement in policy-making. Interesting therefore for other scientists and experts, but especially for politicians and policymakers at European and national level, consultants, interested citizens and, of course, our students. 

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