schade na bombardement 22 februari 1944 Nijmegen
schade na bombardement 22 februari 1944 Nijmegen

Commemoration of Nijmegen bombing: bells ring in Berchmanianum

As every year, the bells in the Berchmanianum will ring for two minutes on Thursday afternoon, 22 February. With this, Radboud University commemorates the bombing of Nijmegen, exactly eighty years ago this year.

On 22 February, 1944, Nijmegen was bombed by American planes. Officially, there were nearly 800 civilian deaths. Much of the city center was destroyed. 

The bells will ring Thursday starting at 13.28. That is the exact time eighty years ago when the first bombs fell. Elsewhere in the city there will also be a two-minute commemoration of the bombing from that time.  

Read more about the bombardment and how it will be commemorated this year at Into Nijmegen (Dutch only).