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Completing academic year 2023-2024

The academic year is drawing to a close. Please find below all general information about finishing your current academic year, registering for the next academic year, and graduating. Read the information carefully, so you are all set to enjoy a well-deserved summer vacation.

Completing academic year 2023-2024

Binding study advice (BSA)

For first-year Bachelor's students of the Faculty of Arts, a binding study advice of 45 EC applies. You are not allowed to continue your studies if you do not meet this standard at the end of the first academic year.

Binding Study Advice

Applying for diplomas and certificates

Have you completed all courses of your Bachelor's, pre-Master's or Master's programme? Then apply for your diploma or certificate as soon as possible. If you have submitted a request to the examination board, please wait for the result before requesting your diploma.

If you want to obtain your Bachelor's or Master's degree this academic year, you must pass your last exam or thesis before 1 September. If you fail to do so, or if the grading period prevents you from applying for your degree until September, you will have to re-enrol via Studielink for next academic year.

Applying for your diploma

Implications of deregistering

Registration academic year 2024-2025



If you are continuing your studies at Radboud University, you must re-enrol for the 2023-2024 academic year via Studielink.

Preferably arrange your re-enrolment before 15 August, but no later than 31 August.

If your re-enrolment is not completed by 1 September, this may affect your enrolment in education, your public transport provision, and your access to the RU-systems.


Enrolling for a Master's degree at the Faculty of Arts

Will you be starting a Master's programme at our faculty next year? Please register via Studielink for the Master’s specialisation you wish to enrol for. Make sure you have requested Bachelor's degree or pre-master's certificate in time.

You can also read what to do if you take your final Bachelor's exams in July or August on the page below (under the heading 'graduation').


Registration for courses, exams and resits

You can register for courses and accompanying seminars in the new academic year from Monday 1 June until Friday 12 July at the latest. When you register for a course, if you have a valid bachelor's or master's registration, you are automatically registered for the first opportunity of the exam. 

After successful registration you will receive a confirmation in Osiris Announcements and in your student email inbox. Please keep this confirmation, as it is proof that you have registered. Please contact STIP if you have not received this confirmation.

Registering for courses

Registering for exams

Prospect next academic year

As of next academic year, a couple of things will change in the provision of information.

Renewed website

Recently, we have been working hard on the new website. From 1 July, therefore, all the information you need during your studies will be available at https://www.ru.nl/studenten https://www.ru.nl/en/students

Discontinuing student portal

From the new academic year, the student portal will go offline. The information you could normally find in the portal will be available at https://www.ru.nl/en

Contact information

Availability of student advisors and STIP desk

Due to the summer holiday, the student advisors have limited availability from Monday 15 July to Friday 16 August. Do you receive an out-of-office email from your student advisor, but your question cannot wait until the student advisor is back? Then contact STIP.

From Monday 15 July to Friday 16 August, the STIP desk will be open from 10am to 2pm. However, you can email STIP outside these opening hours at stip [at] let.ru.nl (stip[at]let[dot]ru[dot]nl)