
Consortium HAN, Radboud University, and Elevate poised to realize ambitions for talent development in life sciences with PharmaNL grant.

The first grants in PharmaNL's Human Capital Growth program line were awarded in February 2024. The consortium of HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN), Radboud University (RU), and Elevate is one of the first two successful applicants. They received a €250,000 subsidy from PharmaNL for their project 'Early Drug Discovery Education Track'. The aim of this project is to develop a set of eight courses, four post-HBO, and four post-university courses specifically in Early Drug Discovery (EDD). This objective aligns well with the program line, which focuses on increasing the number of individuals pursuing education or training in the life sciences to strengthen the pharmaceutical value chain in the Netherlands.

"The training opportunities in this area are currently lacking. We've been in discussions with pharmaceutical companies in the region, and this is a recurring theme - there's a significant demand for it. The training and courses we'll be offering can be used for both upskilling and reskilling," said Carlien Verberne, Program Manager at the BioCentre of HAN University.


The project, with a duration of three and a half years, officially commences on April 1st, 2024. Currently, Pivot Park, a subcontractor of the consortium, is conducting a GAP analysis to determine what training opportunities are lacking in the Arnhem-Nijmegen-Oss region and what the demand is in this regard.

"Based on this analysis, we will first determine the precise themes and topics of the training courses in this project. But we'll also explore the best format for delivering them - what works best for the market? Are evening sessions, half-day sessions, or online components preferable?" explained Adinda Diekstra, Program Manager for Post-HBO Courses & Training at the Academy of Applied Biosciences and Chemistry (ATBC) of HAN University.

Offerings and locations

Consortium partner Elevate will play a significant role in this aspect due to their expertise in developing courses, curricula, and particularly online training. Sjors Gerritsen, Business Development Manager at Elevate, said, "An important part of this package will be the online offerings. This is beneficial for all busy professionals, but it's also driven by the ambition to be attractive not only regionally but also nationally and potentially internationally for those interested in the field."

Currently, Pivot Park, HAN, and RU are being considered as training locations. Diekstra stated, "These are the most obvious locations. Pivot Park, in particular, not only provides a beautiful, inspiring environment but is also situated amidst many relevant pharmaceutical companies. We're actively seeking alignment with the needs and shortages in the industry." The close collaboration with the industry is also reflected in the intended instructors, who will be provided by the knowledge partners HAN and RU, leveraging their expertise in EDD, but will also come partly from the industry itself.

Aligned with the Industry

The initial plans leading to this successful grant application began in 2021 under the leadership of Pedro Hermkens, former director of ATBC and former lecturer in Drug Discovery. These ideas were eventually incorporated into a proposal to PharmaNL in 2023. "This grant helps us realize our ambitions for a solid course portfolio for life science professionals tailored to the demands of the field. It's a great start to offer tailor-made courses within the EDD based on the expertise available within Radboud University and Radboudumc," said Floris Rutjes, Professor of Organic Chemistry and Director of the Institute for Molecules and Materials at Radboud University.

Successful Journey

With the grant secured, the consortium reflects on a successful journey with PharmaNL. The opportunities this funding provides are clear to Diekstra: "Establishing our offerings solidly is a significant advantage of this journey. But also, the connection with other applicants, such as Groningen, with the LIFE Cooperative application. You learn from each other, and you can ensure you're not duplicating training programs."

The interaction with PharmaNL itself has been positive. The clear guidelines and good communication stood out. "We received excellent support from PharmaNL throughout the application process. It was the first round, so there were learning experiences on both sides. What we found particularly positive was the smooth communication with PharmaNL: they always pick up the phone," said Verberne. Are there any tips to share with future applicants? "Certainly. Ensure all components are well substantiated, including co-financing. Start early. And connect with other applicants. This has truly broadened our horizons - in terms of knowledge but also valuable contacts with other institutions.

About Pharmanl

PharmaNL is an initiative by and for the Dutch pharmaceutical sector, supported by a national public-private consortium consisting of Leiden University/Leiden University Medical Center, Campus Groningen, and Pivot Park Oss. PharmaNL aims to provide a sustainable boost to the economic and societal potential of innovative pharmaceutical products and production technologies.

For more information about PharmaNL, please visit the website.

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Molecules and materials