Portret of Andrei Kirilyuk
Portret of Andrei Kirilyuk

ERC Advanced Grant for Andrei Kirilyuk

Andrei Kirilyuk (HFML-FELIX, Radboud Faculty of Science), has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his project INTERPHON.

With INTERPHON Kirilyuk and his group challenge the existing ideas and understanding of the interactions between light and matter, creating a whole new research area at the junction of nonlinear optics, phononics and ultrafast magnetism. 

Light will be made to communicate with matter in an interactive way, so that matter reciprocates by changing the very resonance used for excitation. To realize this, INTERPHON will develop novel research methods using short and intense pulses of infrared-to-THz-range free electron laser FELIX. The aim is energy-efficient and ultrafast manipulation of materials.

Read more about the research and the two other ERC Advanced Grants awarded to Radboud scientists Ronald van Rij (Radboudumc) and Nico Sommerdijk (Radboudumc).