Dries van Agt in zijn werkkamer
Dries van Agt in zijn werkkamer

Former prime minister Dries van Agt passed away

Former prime minister Dries van Agt passed away on Monday 5 February at the age of 93. He died together and hand in hand with his wife Eugenie van Agt-Krekelberg, in their hometown Nijmegen.

Van Agt studied law at the then Catholic University of Nijmegen between 1949 and 1955. He experienced attending lectures by professors such as Charles Petit and Dick van Eck as a great pleasure. He also enjoyed his time at Carolus Magnus, where he was praeses of the senate twice. Moreover, in his student days, he met his wife Eugenie, also a law student.   

In the late 1960s, Van Agt returned to Nijmegen to assist the then professor Van Eck as chief academic officer in criminal law. Shortly afterwards, in 1968, he succeeded Van Eck as professor of criminal law and criminal procedure. "Teaching went well for me, I got on well with the students", he said about that period.   

In 1971, according to him long before he had redeemed the credit embedded in his appointment, van Agt was asked to become minister of justice. In his work as minister (1971-1977) and later as prime minister (1977-1982), he would be able to make the most of his knowledge acquired at Radboud University.  

Until an advanced age, Dries van Agt showed commitment to our university and the law faculty especially. As long as his health permitted, he attended our academic celebrations and alumni meetings of his faculty. 

Also read: De Herinneringen van Dries van Agt (in Dutch)

Dries van Agt met zijn vrouw in de woonkamer

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