Lukas Körber wrote his thesis ‘Spin waves in curved magnetic shells’ at the Helmholtz-Centre Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) to theoretically explore different geometrical aspects (such as curvature, topology a.o.) of spin-wave dynamics on the mesoscale. To study these effects efficiently, he developed a novel numerical method that has thereafter been published as an open-source package entitled TetraX, which researchers around Germany and Europe now use to study spin waves. The award committee found the thesis and research results outstanding and of great benefit to the scientific community in the field of magnetism.
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials
Körber is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials (USCM) group, a part of IMM. Experimental and theoretical research pioneered in this department is aimed at novel scenarios for writing magnetic bits that are possible using femtosecond laser pulses. These pulses are so short that the magnetic material is brought strongly out of equilibrium. Understanding and manipulating materials are based on emergent quantum effects, to develop methods for ultrafast and energy efficient writing of bits on magnetic devices.
German Helmholtz Association Doctoral Prize
Every year, the German Helmholtz Association awards two Dissertation prizes in each of its six different research-focus fields (matter, energy, health, etc.). While one track is meant for people with application-focused research, outstanding knowledge-driven research is awarded to support a future scientific, academic career.
We warmly congratulate Lukas on his prize.
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