Henk van Houtum publishes book on new visual language for maps

On Thursday 8 February, Henk van Houtum, professor of Political Geography and Geopolitics, held a book presentation at ‘het Nieuwe Instituut’ in Rotterdam. During the evening, he and the book designers De Vormforensen (Anne-Marie Geurink and Annelou van Griensven) presented the innovative and alternative cartography from his latest publication Free the Map, on borders and migration.

Henk bij publicatie boek Free the map

In his book 'Free the map. From Atlas to Hermes: a new cartography of borders and migration', Henk van Houtum argues for a new visual language for maps. Cartography is anything but neutral. Maps are full of hidden and explicit messages, often showing only the perspective of the nation-state. In the book, he explains the limitations of a standard world map and its political and social impact on our worldview.

Read more about it in the Volkskrant or NRC (in Dutch).