Feiten en cijfers samenwerking Alliander en Radboud Universiteit stand van zaken oktober 2023
Feiten en cijfers samenwerking Alliander en Radboud Universiteit stand van zaken oktober 2023

Interim results of cooperation between Alliander and Radboud University

The strategic cooperation between Alliander and Radboud University has been active for a year and a half. What started as a promising idea has developed into a cooperation that has led to great results thanks to the combined efforts and expertise.

With almost 100 employees from both organisations, spread across 7 Alliander business units and 4 Radboud University faculties, we are working on the future of energy. On 10 October 2023, we presented the interim results of our work.

Feiten en cijfers samenwerking Alliander en Radboud Universiteit stand van zaken oktober 2023

 The collaboration has already produced several positive results. Alliander has successfully recruited students. Joint research is being conducted, some results of which have already been integrated into Alliander's processes and practices. In addition, Radboud and Alliander are demonstrating to the outside world their commitment to working jointly on research and innovation, thereby accelerating the energy transition. The joint efforts contribute to the development of more sustainable, smarter solutions.

How are the different themes doing?

  • Accounting - (Jop Adriaans & Frank Hartmann)
    This is about finance and management accounting. How can Alliander align its strategy with the needs of today and tomorrow? How can they take societal pressures into decision-making?
  • AI & Data Science - (Jacco Heres & Yuliya Shapovalova)
    Artificial intelligence and data science help Alliander unlock the wealth of data at its disposal. In-depth analyses can provide valuable insights into the network infrastructure. Using AI, we can not only solve problems, but even prevent them. This is the future of energy management.
  • Cybersecurity - (Barry Pouwels & Erik Poll)
    This is all about digital security of systems and understanding human behaviour that can lead to security problems. In an age where digital threats are everywhere, this topic is crucial to ensure network security.
  • Energy & Spatial Planning - (Lars de Laat & Martijn Gerritsen)
    Towards a more sustainable future, a strategic approach to energy and spatial planning can contribute to the energy transition. Optimising energy networks requires a deep understanding of locations, water and internet networks, and the needs of industry and citizens.
  • Physical Modelling - (Sander Rieken & Gerjen Tinnevelt)
    This is all about understanding the physical aspects of our energy network, from cables to transformers. This understanding allows us to transport energy more efficiently while maintaining the safety and reliability of the network.
  • Statistics - (Jacco Heres & Eric Cator)
    Here we are talking about using statistics to optimise grid capacity and make connections more efficient. This approach promises smart use of current grid capacity, and thus a more sustainable future.

Contact information

Want to know more about the strategic cooperation between Radboud University and Alliander? Please contact Jon Feenstra or Iris van Veghel from Research & Impact, Radboud University.