
Kick-off meeting GS4S in Nijmegen

GS4S had its kick-off meeting in Nijmegen. Global Strategy for Skills, Migration and Development (GS4S) is a three-year, 3 million euro Horizon2020 Europe project funded by the European Commission.

 GS4S seeks to better understand global skills shortages, and proposes both innovative labour migration governance in selected sectors (IT, care and construction) as well as alternatives for addressing these shortages. The project aims to contribute to a socially sustainable, well-being oriented global strategy for skills.

Radboud University leads the Consortium as Project Coordinator, in a collaborative effort between the Centre for Migration Law and Nijmegen School of Management, both including members of Radboud’s Network on Migrant Inclusion (RUNOMI). The interdisciplinary Consortium includes EU partners and non-EU partners in Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Egypt, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom. They will provide new data on labour migration and alternative ways to fill labour shortages in six regions:  the EU, EEA, Western Balkans, Middle East and Northern Africa, West Africa and South/South-East Asia.

Contact information

Organizational unit
Centre for Migration Law