What was it all about?
Let Daniël Wigboldus, chairman of the Executive Board, Marije Klomp, programme director Sustainability, students Gina and Marie-Sophie, alumnus Bas, and influencer Jessie from the Zero Waste Project explain:
Results and reactions
Various media covered our plans, from newspapers to radio to television. Within one day, we are able to spread our message far and wide. And it's not an understatement to say that we got a lot of responses. The below infographic provides an overview of the most important results and some of the responses.
Critical remarks
We also received critical remarks about how Radboud University itself deals with sustainability in its business operations. Programme director Sustainability Marije Klomp: 'It is good that we received concrete suggestions and feedback. They have all been noted down. We are already doing and developing a lot on some of the topics mentioned, but this is not always visible. On other points, Impact Day will hopefully provide the necessary acceleration. We will address this in the coming weeks with those involved, and come back to this shortly'.
Want to know more?
Would you like to know more about the campaign or view the video again? Then go to www.youhaveparttoplay.nl. Questions, feedback or ideas can be e-mailed to communicatie [at] ru.nl (communicatie[at]ru[dot]nl).