Hero Open Access
Hero Open Access

Maximum number of open access articles LWW for 2024

The maximum number of articles (270) that can be published open access at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) in 2024 is expected to be reached in mid-September. What does that mean?

If your manuscript is accepted for publication between the time the maximum is reached and 1 January 2025, LWW will still offer the option of open access publication, but the cost will no longer be covered by the consortium agreement during the above mentioned period. If you opt for open access on payment, you will therefore receive the invoice yourself. The amount involved will be between 1,500 and 5,500 euros, the so-called Article Processing Charge (APC). 

If you receive research funding from one of the Plan S signatories (NWO, ZonMW), you are obliged to immediately publish a peer-reviewed version of your article open access. Without publisher’s permission, an accepted version can only be published in the Radboud repository after 12 months. 

If this obligation does not apply, you have three options: 

  1. If you don't pay the fee, your article will appear behind the subscription wall. 
  2. You can send us the author accepted version for open access in the Radboud Repository. An embargo period of 12 months then applies, unless the publisher agrees in writing to make the version open access earlier.
  3. You can participate in the project 'You share, we care'. In that case, we can make your publication - the publisher's version - open access 6 months after the first online publication. 

So these three options are not Plan S compliant. 

Contact information

For questions or more information on this and other deals including open access publishing, please contact the Open Access Team at openaccess [at] ubn.ru.nl (openaccess[at]ubn[dot]ru[dot]nl). We'll be happy to help.

Organizational unit
Library of Science