Fietsen over de campus
Fietsen over de campus

Mobility survey results 2024

Students and staff consider sustainability important and they think their institution should do more to encourage sustainable transport. That is one of the outcomes of a broad mobility survey conducted last spring among staff and students at Radboud University, HAN, Radboudumc and ROC (staff location Heyendaalseweg).

The survey asked about travel behaviour, possible alternatives and the use of employment conditions around mobility. Nearly 8200 employees and students participated in the survey. About 1,400 participants study or work at Radboud University.

Results Radboud University 

Both staff and students largely support the statement that the university promotes sustainable transport. But 65% think the university can and should do even more. By far the majority of Radboud University employees choose sustainable transport to work: over 60% walk or take the (electric) bike and 19% take public transport. Although students travel to campus by car less in percentage terms, on an average day there are more student cars than staff cars parked on campus. The explanation is that there are many more students than employees. Incidentally, about 20 per cent of motorists, employees and students, still park their cars in the district.

A vast majority of employees, some 60%, do not travel to campus every day. They work at home for an average of 1.7 days, mostly on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Mobilititeit medewerkers en studenten Radboud Universiteit 2024

Bicycle stands and parking spaces

The bicycle parking facilities on campus are appreciated in terms of quality, but some 35% of cyclists find the number of parking spaces insufficient. There is also satisfaction with car parking: the quality of parking spaces is good. 19% of motorists feel that there are insufficient parking spaces. 

Available seats on public transport

Public transport users are divided on the statement whether there is enough space on the train or bus. Half think there is enough space, 40% do not share this opinion. Students are more likely to think there is insufficient space than employees.


Although most students and staff feel safe while travelling, a small proportion of this group does feel unsafe. Whether in bicycle sheds, car parks or public transport, around 3-4% do not feel safe.

Campus-wide results

A striking result is that the distribution of the number of trips to campus across transport modes (the so-called modal split) has hardly changed since the previous survey in 2018. Compared to other campus institutions, Radboud University employees and students cycle and 'train' more and take the car less often. 

Research reports

Want to read all the results, recommendations and conclusions? You can find the report with the results of all participating institutions on the website Duurzaam Bereikbaar Heijendaal 

Download the Radboud University report below.

Mobility Survey 2024

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