Symposium grand challenges
Symposium grand challenges

Nijmegen School of Management organizes symposium ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Grand Challenges’ on 19 October 2023

Nijmegen School of Management within Radboud University will celebrate its 35th anniversary this year. To celebrate this milestone, we are hosting a symposium on Thursday 19 October 2023 entitled, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Grand Challenges. The symposium will be held from 3 pm to 8 pm, with doors opening at 2.30 pm.

Programme: keynote speakers

Several notable speakers will make an appearance during the symposium. Roy Jakobs, the CEO of Philips, will discuss  'the critical importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in innovating for impact'. Stella Nkomo, strategic professor at the University of Pretoria, will share her perspective on this topic during her presentation, ‘Diversity at a Critical Junction: Sustaining Progress for Inclusion'. Belgian conceptual artist Koen Vanmechelen will take a unique approach to the subject with his story, entitled ‘Biocultural Diversity: The Chicken’s Appeal’.

Parallel sessions

Parallel sessions will be held during which researchers will discuss the theme with the audience with the help of several propositions. The symposium will be held in English.

Food and drinks

The symposium programme includes a small buffet dinner (soup, wraps and
mini-sandwiches), followed by drinks.


The symposium will be held at Nijmegen School of Management, in the Elinor Ostrom building on Heyendaalseweg 141 in Nijmegen. Parking is possible in the car parks outside the Elinor Ostrom building.

Registration is no longer possible. The symposium is full.

View the programme here 

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